Welcome to Records

The Permit Group issues building permits for the un-incorporated areas of Harris County. We do not have records for the areas of the County that are within the City limits of the municipalities that are within Harris County. Please contact the municipalities directly for these records. A list of the most requested phone numbers is provided on this page.

Building permits have been required for new construction since Oct. 1973 and septic licenses have been required for new or modified systems since July 1978. The preferred method of requesting information is via our Records/Information (PIA) Requests Site. If coming in person to our office at 10555 Northwest Freeway, Suite 134, please allow time for your records request to be researched and printed, and allow time for your payment to be made to the cashier before the cashier closes at 4:00 pm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:How do I obtain an existing site/survey plan? 
A: Please fill out the request for public records form that is under Records Topics. The Records department has records since 1973, when the Permit Office was established.

Q:What is HCAD? 
A: HCAD is the acronym for Harris County Appraisal District. Their website is www.HCAD.org. They can be contacted at 713-957-7800.

Q:Can you tell me where fiber optic lines or other utilities are located? 

A: The County only has information on the utilities within the Harris County Right of Way. Please fill out the "Request for Public Records Form."

Q:How can I get an elevation certificate? 
A: If your building was built new within the 100 year flood plain after 6/97, an EC would have been a requirement for building permit. Please fill out the "Request for Public Records Form" on this page.
If your building was built before 6/97 or was not in the 100 year flood plain when it built after 6/97, an EC will not be on file. In this case you must hire a surveyor to create one for you.

Q:Where can I get a historic flood map for my address? 
A: Please fill out the "Request for Public Records Form" that is on this page. Our historic maps do not show the incorporated areas (areas inside the City limits). The Cities must be contacted for their historic FIRMs.

Q:How do I obtain a Zoning Letter? 
A: Go to Quick Docs below and click on No Zoning Letter.

Q:How can I obtain violation information? 
A: Please send your request to https://hctxeng.govqa.us/WEBAPP/_rs/(S(dqkbhgopwckl1havxrws05wb))/SupportHome.aspx or to resolve a violation, send it to enforcement@hcpid.org

Q:What is a Property Deed? 
A: It is a document used to transfer the ownership of real property from one person to another. You will need to contact the County Clerk's Real Property Office in your jurisdiction.

Contact Information

Records Manager: Eunice Bejines

1111 Fannin
8th Floor
Houston, TX 77002

Phone:   713-274-3925
Office Hours: 7:30am - 4:00pm
Closed on Holidays

Records/Information (PIA) Requests

Information on my Address