Welcome to Harris County Fire Code

The Harris County Fire Code was adopted by Harris County Commissioners Court and became effective on January 1, 2005. The current Harris County Fire Code adopts the 2018 International Fire Code, with amendments, as well as portions of the 2018 International Building Code. This code applies to unincorporated Harris County only. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum requirements, with due regard to function, for the design and construction or substantial improvement of public buildings, commercial establishments, and multi-family residential dwellings consisting of four or more units, to reduce the risk to life and property from fire. The Harris County Engineering Department, Permits Group Fire Code Section, in partnership with the Harris County Fire Marshal's office is tasked with the administration of the codes. Our process includes:

  • A comprehensive non-structural architectural plan review
  • A detailed review of fire protection plans
  • Permitting the development as well as fire protection systems
  • A diligent and detailed inspection program, performed by the Harris County Fire Marshal's office

Harris County does not require a plan review or separate permit for electrical, mechanical and plumbing work; individual work for these trades is allowed to be done under the development/fire code permit issued to the building or the permit issued for the build-out of a lease space. Our mission is to maintain and improve the quality of our community by administering a fair and unbiased compliance program and to promote and maintain a safe and desirable living and working environment. Our website exists to assist you in planning and permitting your project. It is our hope that you find the information helpful and informative. Harris County Commissioner's Court on November 12, 2024 approved adoption of the 2021 Harris County Fire Code, to become  effective on January 1st, 2025.

Harris County - Parking Requirements: There are no parking requirements in Harris County, Harris County does not have a Building Code to reflect any handicap nor other parking requirements. Please refer to the Texas Department of Licensing & Regulations - Texas Accessibility Standards (TAS) for handicap parking accessibility.

Fire Code Currently Adopted Codes

Contact Information

Director of Permits
Darrell Hahn, P.E., CFM
Phone: 713-274-3776

Assistant Director of Permits
Yancy Scott, P.E., CFM
Phone: 713-274-4320

Fire Code Manager:
Karol Cargle
Phone: 713-274-4017

1111 Fannin, 8th Floor
Houston, TX. 77002

Please submit an email and we will
respond at our earliest convenience.

Email:    firecode@hcpid.org

Information on my Address